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How To Go The F To Sleep So You Can Live Your Best Life

How To Go The F To Sleep So You Can Live Your Best Life

Are you one of those people that can fall asleep as soon as your head touches the pillow? Or are you one of those that rolls around restlessly and ends up falling asleep hours after you really wanted to? (guilty)

According to the American Sleep Association, the recommended amount of sleep for adults are between 7-9 hours - only about 35.3% are actually getting the 7 hours they need. When we were kids we argued with our parents to let us stay up longer, now that we’re all in our “grown up” phase (boy was that a trap!) we struggle to get a decent amount of shut eye. With work, relationships, To-Do lists and basically just life happening, it’s hard to quiet our minds and get the sleep we actually need to deal with everything life throws at us daily.

Below are some tips on how to shut off your mind so you can wake up the next morning your best self!

  • NO LATE NIGHT WORK OUTS: Sometimes our days get so crazy that the only time we can fit in a workout is at night but this will actually rouse your body making it difficult to fall asleep. Give your self that extra little motivation to wake up early in the morning to wake your body up and get it going for the day!
  • NO PHONE/TV: As addicting as social media is, try to stay away from your phone or any lit screen at least an hour before bed- the light tricks your brain into thinking it’s still daytime. Reading a book can help you to relax and doing so not in your bed is the better option. Try to associate your bed only with sleep.
  • LIMIT YOURSELF TO ONE GLASS OF WINE: After a long day, a glass of wine (lets be real even a whole bottle) is well deserved, but limit yourself to just that, one glass. Too much wine or alcohol in general can cause you to wake up during the night disrupting your sleep cycle. Treat yourself to that glass but more importantly treat yourself to a good night’s rest, your body will thank you for it.
  • COOL BEDROOM TEMP: Make sure your bedroom is cool (between 60-70 degrees,) the drop in temperature acts a sign for your body to fall asleep.
  • NO CAFFEINE AFTER LUNCH: During a long day it’s hard to not go for that 3 o’clock coffee pick me up but since caffeine acts as a stimulant, it’s recommended to not consume any after lunch time. Opt for a green tea instead, it has less caffeine and has loads of health benefits such as lowering both cholesterol and blood pressure as well as having anti-inflammatory nutrients.
  • ADJUST TO A SLEEP SCHEDULE: Try sticking to a sleep schedule. Regulating your body’s clock can help you to both fall asleep and stay asleep for the night.
  • LOVE WELLNESS SLEEP AID: If you’ve been wary about trying a sleep aid then fear not, our LIGHTS OUT capsules are completely organic containing natural ingredients such as magnesium, which helps with relaxing your body, as well as valerian root, which reduces the amount of time your body needs to fall asleep. Take 2 capsules an hour before bedtime and prepare to chill out and catch those ZZZs!
  • Click here to get a bottle of Lights Out for yourself!


Remember that falling asleep is a natural process, it may take a few days to get your body adjusted to a sleep schedule and not having that extra glass of wine at night but getting the quality sleep you need is one of the most important things you can do for your body. Realize that we all don’t require the same amount of hours of sleep in order to function the next day, just tune in to your body and let your sleep cycle flow accordingly.

Next article Winter Is Coming - Try This Tasty “Lose The Winter Blues” Oatmeal Bowl Recipe

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